Igniting Optimal Results

Instrumental Analysis
Made to measure


About Us

Comprehensive Analysis

Your one-stop
analysis solution

Save time and money with our GDOES devices at Spectruma Analytik, where we take pride in providing the complete solution for all your analysis needs. Thanks to invaluable insights and feedback from our customers, we have emerged as one of the leading manufacturers of GDOES spectrometers. Whether you need instruments for incoming goods inspection, production monitoring, industrial quality control or scientific research, rest assured that we have the right instrument for you. Our high-quality GDOES spectrometers offer swift and remarkably precise measurements for bulk and depth profile analysis of solid materials. Rely on our expertise and make the right choice for your application. Users worldwide benefit from our instruments' fast, accurate, and reliable results every year.


The GDA 750 HR is the optimal tool for a wide range of applications due to its high sputtering rates. In addition, it benefits from excellent cooperation with service technicians and scientists, making it highly recommended for this diverse set of applications.

Dr. rer. nat. Gerd Teichert MFPA Weimar, Test Center Layer and Material Properties at the Ilmenau University of Technology


Our team at ZSW has been successfully using the GDA 750 for the past 10 years to conduct post-mortem analysis of aging mechanisms in lithium-ion batteries. The instrument has provided valuable insights into degradation processes. We are collaborating with Spectruma to continuously improve our methods and explore broader applications in the field of batteries

Dr. Thomas Waldmann, Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW)

For over two decades, glow discharge spectroscopy has been utilized at MFPA Weimar for analyzing functional materials, metallic coatings, and non-metallic coatings.
The spectrometer currently in use, GDA 750 HR, is not only easy to operate but also fulfills all of our requirements satisfactorily.

Dr.-Ing. Andreas Diemar, Materialforschungs- und -prüfanstalt an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (MFPA Weimar)

I have been working with GDA750 for 6 years, analyzing metals and inorganic coatings for colleagues throughout FZU and beyond. It is a very stable instrument, also small samples can be analyzed with a 2.5 mm anode/ ≈7 mm diameter o-ring. Collaboration and support by Spectruma and their Czech representative is excellent.

RNDr. Zdeněk Weiss, CSc., FZU - Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

GDOES – Briefly Explained

Simplified Operating Principle

The sample is inserted into the glow discharge source, where it comes into direct contact with the cathode, effectively acting as a cathode itself.

During the analysis, the glow discharge source contains argon gas at low pressure (0.5 hPa to 10 hPa). A high DC voltage is applied between the anode and the sample (acting as the cathode). This process releases electrons at the sample's surface and accelerates them towards the anode.

As the electrons gain kinetic energy, they release it through inelastic collisions with argon atoms, resulting in ionization of the argon atoms and the formation of argon cations and free electrons. This avalanche effect increases the density of charge carriers, transforming the insulating argon gas into a conductive state and forming a plasma—a mixture of neutral gas atoms and free charge carriers.

The argon cations are driven towards the sample surface due to the high negative potential present there. Upon impact with the sample surface, the argon cations transfer their kinetic energy to the atoms on the surface, causing them to be dislodged from the sample. This phenomenon is known as cathode sputtering or simply sputtering. The degradation of the sample surface occurs in a plane-parallel manner.

The atoms knocked out from the sample diffuse into the plasma, where collisions with high-energy electrons excite them to higher energy states. As these atoms return to their ground states, they emit light with characteristic wavelength spectra unique to each element.

The emitted light passes through the entrance slit and then onto a holographic grating, which directs it towards different detectors based on the diffraction angle of the wavelengths. The light is registered and measured by the detectors accordingly.

The intensity of each line is directly proportional to the concentration of the corresponding element in the plasma. For electrically non-conductive materials, high-frequency alternating voltage can be employed to generate plasma, allowing examination of non-metallic samples as well.

GDOES spectrometer

Range of instruments

GDA 750 HR

Unlock the full potential of your applications with our top-of-the-line, high-performance spectrometer.

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GDA 550 HR

Experience the power of our high-performance spectrometer designed for your most demanding research tasks.

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GDA 650 HR

Experience the ideal solution for demanding analysis needs - remarkable flexibility and effortless expandability.

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GDA 150 HR

Your trusted partner in production control, providing maximum performance around the clock.

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GDA Alpha

Discover our small and compact high-performance spectrometer at an unbeatable price.

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Spectruma News

Training date

Training date 2

27. of March to 28. of March 2025 at Spectruma company Hof, Germany. Please click here to sign up.

Training date

Training date 1

25. of March to 26. of March 2025 at Spectruma company Hof, Germany. Please click here to sign up.


Plasma Winter Conference in Berlin 2025

The Plasma Winter Conference will be heldt in Germany in 2025. Use the opprotunity to meet operators and producers in the field of plasma like GD-OES and GD-MS on a special meeting during this session, organized by the EW-GDS and its chairman Pete Robinson


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18.Anwendertreffen Freiberg
Important information

Innovative Techniques for Accurate Hydrogen Analysis and Material Safety

Hydrogen Detection in Materials with GDOES

Discover how Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy (GDOES) offers unparalleled sensitivity for detecting hydrogen, an element crucial for preventing material fatigue due to hydrogen embrittlement.

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18.Anwendertreffen Freiberg
Important information


Software WinGDOES 5.5

WinGDOES 5.5 is now available! With even more features and improvements, our latest software version offers an even more efficient and user-friendly experience. Update now and take advantage of the new possibilities!

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For over 40 years, Spectruma® has been at the forefront of manufacturing and developing high-tech instrumentation for elemental analysis. Our exceptionally powerful method, glow discharge optical emission spectrometry (GD-OES), enables precise bulk analysis of almost all elements, including H, C, N, and O. Simultaneously, it provides the highest depth resolution for depth profile analysis of surface layers.


You've come a long way! Contact us now - we're eager to get to know you!

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